Someone's Rubbish is Some People's Treasure!
When desperately looking to clear some space in the storage containers we stumbled across many old Tunbridge Wells Football Club kits in various sizes, made by various manufacturers all donning former shirt sponsors logo's. It seemed unlikely that anyone in the UK would need these old kits so Emma Lucas contacted her cousin at the FA and the rest as they say is history.
The kits found their way out to Kenya. The link to the PDF gives you an insight into the project undertaken by the FA.
This is the text of the e-mail we received from the Project Team:
"Please see attached pics of the Tunbridge Wells kits in Kenya.They were donated to the Kibagare Good News Centre in Kibagare slum in Nairobi. Please pass on my thanks to the club for the kind donation" Neil Hope MBE, Taking Football to Africa
Clive Maynard, Chairman